China Europe Railway Transport

The shipper sends a cargo transportation service order, handles the delivery, loading, and payment of transportation fees, and submits the cargo voucher to the consignee.
  • Browse number : ...
  • Release time : 2024-07-12
  • Detailed Description



Advantages of China Europe railway transportation:


Domestic railway transportation business operation process
1. Power of Attorney
The shipper sends a cargo transportation service order, handles the delivery, loading, and payment of transportation fees, and submits the cargo voucher to the consignee.
2. Railway operation acceptance
The consignor or the overseas shipping agency of the place of shipment shall fill in the domestic railway waybill according to the arrangement of the port railway transportation plan, and the agent shall prepare for departure according to the plan.
3. Procurement and acceptance
The consignor brings the goods into the station, and the freight forwarder inspects the goods according to the waybill. For goods that require weighing, the freight forwarder should weigh them and record the weight of the goods on the waybill.
4. Cheque and carrier
Accounting and ticketing freight forwarders fill out freight bills, collect transportation fees, and stamp station names and dates on the waybills to indicate transportation.
5. Loading
Loading of goods and sealing of trucks that require sealing.
6. Freight documents
The consignee shall inspect and extract the goods at the designated location of the railway system based on the railway freight documents.


Company Introduction

Resource advantages


Air transportation

railway transportation

Maritime transportation


Insurance claims

Collection of payment on behalf of others

SMS notification


Service Area

Company News

Industry news


Phone: 17376733317

Address: 2nd Floor, Xiangdao Logistics, No. 61 Hongtai Avenue, Chengxiang Town, Qingbaijiang District, Chengdu City

Chengdu Quan Ouda Logistics Co., Ltd. is committed to the development of FBA e-commerce logistics, providing customers with safe and convenient first mile logistics services and overseas final mile delivery.

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